Saturday, March 11, 2006

OK.... what I'm about to discuss is not meant for children, old women, or anyone with any serious medical conditions of any kind. It's so shocking, disgusting, un-tasteful, and so vile that you may possibly vomit in your own mouth as you read this. OK, now that the disclaimer is out of the way, on with the dirtiness.

Now those who know me know me to be a decent person. I have my faults as we all do, but I'm a decent person. I'm not some creepy pervert, nor am I a sexual deviant. Sure, I like my porn, but who doesn't though...other than nuns? I'm a 19 year old, healthy, and heterosexual male, so watching porn and jacking it is just part of nature. Getting your hands on some porn every now and then isn't a crime, well it is but so long as you're over 18 it doesn't matter. I like your normal smut. Be it a nice 3-way, some lesbionics, or just a good old-fashioned hardcore gangbang. Whatever a man and a woman and another woman who happens to have a penis do, well hell, that's their business.... as well as the cameraman's. Far be it for me to pass judgment on these people or their profession, lord knows I probably would've offed myself years ago on one of those lonely nights had it not been for porn.

I do have my limits though and tonight one of those [limits] was met. I was doing my normal thing of scouring the web for new movies. I know, I know, it's wrong and I'm taking food out of all those poor millionaire's mouths, but sometimes you simply can't afford to go to the movies. I managed to find "Hostel" and at the time this occurred I was in the process of downloading the new remake of "the Hills Have Eyes"(which actually turned out to be the original). I use Lime Wire PRO so like almost every other P2P file-sharing program out there; I was able to browse through a user's (who I happened to be d/l "the Hills" from) files. There I saw something with the title "Black Girl Fucks Horse".

Now that alone would pretty much turn any normal person off to the idea of clicking on that, but tonight I must admit my curiosity got the best of me. I clicked on the listing and started the download. I assure anyone reading this that I had absolutely NO intention of practicing the safest sex imaginable with this "video" as an aid, nor once did I find myself at all aroused. Pure curiosity. Nothing more and nothing less, yet as we all know from the old adage, "curiosity killed the cat".

"He's hung like....well...a horse."

Well in this case, rather than kill the cat, it made the cat gag and vomit in it's own mouth a tiny bit. I watched best...30-40 seconds of that shit and it was the most vile disgusting and degrading thing I have ever seen.... and this is coming from a guy who saw "Big Momma's House 2". I felt really bad for the girl in the "video". I mean REALLY bad. I mean that horse was giving it to her, like hard. It was an awful sight that would even make the devil ask you to turn it off. I know some of this might sound reminiscent of Cal's rant from "the 40 Year Old Virgin" to those who have seen it, but I truly have the exact feelings on the matter as he did. I feel bad for the girl as well as the horse. That horse doesn't know what the fuck is going on, all it knows is something feels half right to it.

I felt worse for the girl involved though. She just had this "lost" look in her eyes for those brief moments. But I gotta ask.... how bad has your situation gotten when you get to the point that you are willing to have sex with a horse on camera for cash...if she was even paid for that matter. I really hope she was paid because there's something seriously wrong with that chick if she was doing it pro-bono.... HA...bono.... bone.... horse-sex.... forget it. Anyway.... seriously.... how bad could her financial situation be to where she got to the point one day where she said to herself, "You know what would probably pay well...fucking a horse on camera. That would probably help me out for a while.... could get that new saddle I had my eye on."

How desperate do you have to be to do something like that? I really wish to know. I mean it's awful she was doing it anyway, it's just wrong. I want to know why though. Was she doing it just in case she and her friends are getting drunk over a game of "I Never..." one day and she can proudly take her shot when someone proclaims "I never fucked a horse on film"? Or was her mom desperately ill and in need of dialysis and she needed a lot of money fast?

I don't know why this chick did what she did to that horse, nor do I know why the horse let her for that matter...well actually the horse probably didn't give a shit, he was getting his jimmy whacked. But that poor girl.... that poor, poor, horse-fucked girl. Gives new meaning to the term "Hung like a horse" eh? Wait.... actually it just solidifies it. I don't know if you knew this or not, but let me tell ya.... Horses = Massive Cocks = Momentary pleasure followed by an excruciating, un-godly pain for that poor girl.

But yes, after I got up and washed my mouth out and brushed my teeth, I promptly deleted the file and looked at some good old' hardcore double penetration action to wash those horrible images from my mind. I'll never know why she fucked that horse, but then again why does anyone do anything for that matter?


At 1:44 AM, Blogger Mob said...

Nice commentary..I've often had the same question about any number of things I've run across on the net, but particularly the beastiality stuff...what day job did you not get that made that a fucking option, y'know?


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