Saturday, December 16, 2006

2006 - The Year That Was

I don't really do many of these anymore (well with any actual thought behind them) but I figured why not just go ahead and turn out one last one. So yeah.... 2006 according to me...

This year fucking sucked. But that's how I roll it seems. I have my good years and bad. The good ones tend to fall on odd-numbered years while the even ones tend to... well, suck. 2005 was pretty cool. Fun was had. 2006.... Fun was had, but not as much or without its price. It brought me together with people, that for the most part, I had forgotten about. But it also split some people apart, which sucked... In a big way. But you know, that's just fucking life. It's not fun and no one likes it, but sometimes that's just the way shit works out. It's un-fucking-fortunate but you just gotta deal with shit and just say fuck it. It's in the past. You can't let shit bog you down, well you can, I just wouldn't recommend it for more than at least 2 to 3 months. It's not healthy. You gotta get up, get out, and get some... I think. Moving along... The year had it's firsts for me. I'm not at liberty to divulge details but I enjoyed myself. I turned 19 for the first time (as if I will again)... Which was underwhelming. But then again it's only 19. 19 isn't anything special. Now twenty hookers when I turn 20, well that would be something.
I met a few cool people. Did some cool things. But a lot of things didn't turn out so cool. Met and went out with a few girls I met, that didn't turn out cool at all. Made my first drunken mistake. Had my first car accident. Lot of un-coolness. Life is a fucking wave. It's up and down, up and down. Sometimes you get pulled under but you just gotta swim back up to surface so you can get back to shore... and have some lobster, cause that shit is damn good.

So yeah... 2006, you had your good qualities but you mostly just suck the fun out of living. You're like the A-Bomb, it's 2005 and every one's walking around, laughing, having a good time, and then BOOM! You show up, every things dead. 2007 you gotta pick up the slack man. If I have another off-year... I will.... I'll..... I will pee all over my pants... AND THEN who's going to end up looking bad? Eh?