Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Ahhhhyeeeaaarrrgggghhhh. Jesus-tap-dancing-titty-fucking-Christ. My neck is killing me. I've got a god awful pain right in the middle of one of what I can only assume to be a vertebrae. Hurts like the dickens. HA! Dickens... heh. Anyway like I was saying, it sucks basically is what I guess I'm trying to get at. I assume all the years of carrying around this massive skull of mine finally caught up with me. It's like a friggin Orange on top of a tooth pick. Well actually I take that back, it's not a tooth pick. It's more like a Lincoln Log. Damn yeah. Cause I'm cut... like a log...?

Right well.... moving along. Today was the first day of the semester. I have one last Algebra class (for a while at least), some Biology class, and what I believe is a History class. Lemme check my receipts really quick... mmmhmmmm... yeah.... just as I thought. It's History. I didn't have my schedule set in stone until Friday so I had to go and get all my books earlier this morning before my first class which is at 11. Well that was a bad idea. That tiny room they call the bookstore on the Warner Robins campus was packed elbows to asses. So taking time to take account of the fact that I was already going to probably be somewhat late for that class, I only went with the one that I needed at the moment. Turns out I had time to spare. The door was locked and no one had a key. Eventually one showed up to my dismay. I was chilling with my brothers iPod (My most listened track: Eddie Murphy - Soul Glo - Coming to America.) ; I wasn't quite ready to start class. I was only half way through Pat Benetar's "Love is a Battlefield" at the time. And I mean come on people, we all know you can't quit on a Pat Benetar song half way through. I mean that shit just goes without saying. It's like stepping on Superman's cape; some shit you just don't do.

So yeah. That class was ok. One weird thing though. There's this blind kid in the class, which I got no problem with. I'm not an anti-blindite? There's no way thats a word. Anyway, the teacher said something, the specifics escape me, but he made some kind of self deprecating blind joke. Something along the lines of "yep, I'm the resident blind kid". Like I said I'm not sure but it was something like that. Anyway, after he said that there was just the most awkward silence ever. Not only was everyone I saw looking around for direction as for what to do next, but the joke just flat out sucked. I know bad jokes, and that was a BAD joke. If you're gonna make a blind joke, at least make it a good one. That's all I'm saying.

OK... I'm really tired now so I'm just gonna make the rest of this the super short awesome version.

Super Awosome Fantastical Short Version: I went and got a new I.D. made so I can get on the base and it's without a doubt the best fucking picture of me that I have ever seen. I saw that picture I just wanted to tear my ass up. GODDAMN. Mmmmm. Went to class again around 8. Didn't care for it, and I probably won't at all. Popped in on a homie on the way home. I know.. what the fuck. I never do the "pop in". Well tonight I popped in. Stopped and picked up some very late dinner on the way home and here I sit and there I fucking go.

It's a goddamn shame that wasn't a noose.


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