Sunday, August 20, 2006

Well I say Goddamn, Goddamn, GODDAMN! It has been quite a week. I was unfortunate enough to come down with the itis. Bronchitis that is. Nasty shit. Can't say I care for it.

So again, I laid out of work this week but I had note... from a doctor. So that makes it all better. Then I played a game of back and forth with the fine folks at Macon State. I made like 5 trips there in 2 days. That shit will wreak hell on your gas flow. Finally got my class schedule straight and what not. I'm 1 hour short of being full time this semester. Rats. I have a few classes during the day this semester so it looks like my little stint with employment is going to be rather short lived. But oh the fuck well. School comes first. I don't wana hang sheet rock my whole fucking life. Fuck that noise. I still might be able to work like 3 days out of the week but who knows. We shall wait and see.

I kicked it with an old homie the other day. We went over to Billys. Dude works way too fucking much. It's just work, work, work, with that dude. I feel bad for him. Jessica cooked dinner for us. It was fucking delicious. Maybe it's me but its weird having a chic you went to school with cook you dinner and shit. Yeah... it's probably just me. I was going to go over there Friday night and get all kinds of fucked up but it didn't seem like a good time to me. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better one because I have to get good and messed up before Monday. Monday being the first day of classes and what not.

I read some shit today and.... well, I don't know. It just pissed me the fuck off. The audacity of this fucking cunt, it was just stunning. And I was totally ready to blast back with all kinds of stuff but I didn't for a change. Not sure why really. I guess I just wasn't as pissed as I thought I was. Or maybe it just wasn't worth it. Sure I can rip any fucker a new one, but would it really have made a difference? I think not.

One thing that perhaps I'll never quite understand, shit-talkers. I don't mean like myself. I'll rip your fucking ass to pieces any day of the week, if you're standing next to me or 100 miles away. It don't matta. But some fucks, I've never understood the point of talking shit.... and I mean like mad crazy shit about someone and acting like you're the fucking balls and shit, yet the one whom the shit is being talked about.... none the fucking wiser. You gonna sling some shit like that, well hell, sling it in their fucking face. Don't do it in some back room somewhere with a locked door. That shit ain't too cool. If I do say so myself. Which I think I just fucking did.

BELIVE DAT SHIT SON/GIRL/weird gender I don't even know about.... either fucking or.
So yeah... that's it and if you don't like it or whatever, well you can just fucking blow me. I'm tired and my eyes hurt.


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