Wednesday, March 15, 2006

There are certain things in life that I will perhaps never be able to fully understand. Be it a car's engine, the human digestive system, math, and of course the ladies. I don't get them. There's something very different about the way the brains of our two fair sexes operate in relation to each other. It would seem to me that one over complicates things when they are far, far simpler than they're often made it out to be. Maybe it's that primal force at play in the brain of a man that drives him to find the simplest solution to whatever problem he may be plagued with. Since the dawn of time man has struggled to overcome whatever obstacle he may find in his path, often coming to the realization that the simplest solution is often the one that makes the most sense. That doesn't make Man right though.

From the things I've learned I've been able to gather that women tend to take every possible variable and angle of a "problem" into account when making a decision. Now there's not necessarily anything wrong with that, it pays to be tedious sometimes, but not always. Ladies, you could have the perfect solution right in front of your face....Literally, like 5 feet from ya's.....and you're going to proceed to sit there and examine it to hell until you find something wrong with it.

Anyone can do that with anything though. Take for example, you could sit here and tell much you love Ice Cream and how good it is and why I should eat it...OK? Well I could sit here and give you 20 reasons why I hate Ice Cream and why it's not good and why you shouldn't eat it. Anyone can find fault in anything if you intend to. Nothing is perfect, nothing can be, but sometimes it's possible to find something that's damn close.

I'd like to think of myself as the "simple solution". I see things for what they are and I often strive for the easiest solution to a problem. ....You know what?.....I was having a smoke as I started writing this and now I got no idea where the hell I was going with this. Damn I hate when this happens. I have some really long and well thought out little rant planned and I smoke myself stupid. Damn you devil herb......OK let's see if we can get this back on track....but I'm gonna need some help from all little boys and girls out there across the internet.

Can you do that for me? Can you boys and girls help me out? What's that? You can? Well alllllllright then! Everybody repeat after me and scream as loud as you can when you do, OK?

Say...."I believe in MAGIC!.....I believe in LOVE!.......I believe in HAPPY ENDINGS!" OK. You did it? OK.....Cool.

OK. Well I still don't really remember what I was talking about but that was fun, was it not? I should totally have a children's show or something. I'd do wonders for those little kids self long as I'm stoned, but as long as I am....I'm telling ya....Wonders.

I will finish this though. I will remember what I was planning on talking about and I will get it up. That's a promise and I never make promises I can't keep. I'm like Superman.....only without the powers....and the physique (though I'm close).....and the kick ass know what? Now that I think of it, I'm really nothing at all like Superman, and that's a damn shame.


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