Monday, July 10, 2006

The Great Mustachio
Damn right. I finally decided a few days ago, that after sporting my goatee for a few years now, it was time to give it some company. So, I'm growing a mustache. I figured the time is right. The mustache is about to make a big comeback... in a big way. With Adam Morrison hitting the NBA in a few months time, soon you'll see a mustache every where you look. Yet I will have been ahead of the curve, as I often am.
I have high hopes for my mustache. Hopefully it'll be bitching and I'll be able to keep that bitch shining. During the school year, my mustache will help me with tests, and on the weekends we'll help tutor other students. In the summer, my mustache and I will drive across the country in a muscle car, solving mysteries and helping those who can not help themselves. Times will be good. My mustache will be very wise.


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