Monday, July 03, 2006


HELL FUCKING YEAH HE HAS! I went and saw Superman Returns this afternoon since I got off work early and man, what a fucking ride. From the moment the credits started and I heard the cue of John Williams' Superman theme strike up I felt like I was 5 years old again, sitting on my living room floor staring up at the TV in that kind of wide eyed amazement you only really have when you're a child. It was beautiful to hear those notes again. Hell, it was so fucking cool to see Superman on screen again the way he should have been done before. No bad wire work anywhere, I truly believed a man could fly... again. No disrespect to Chris Reeve and the Donner films that is, they did the most with what they had at the time and looking back it's not bad.

And Brandon Routh had some mighty big red boots to fill but the kid did a damn good job. I thought he was too young and perhaps too pretty to be Superman but he does a damn fine job of pulling it off. There's a new definitive version of Superman in my mind, and that is Brandon Routh's take on the character. Chris Reeve will always hold a dear place in my heart though. I think he would have been very proud to see what Brandon did with the role. I was.

Kevin Spacey was the balls as Luthor. He was just mean, I mean damn mean. And evil. This isn't Hackman's Luthor at all, this Luthor not only wishes to kill Superman, but make him hurt at every stop along the way. I dug his take. Still had some of the humor of the Donner films yet introduced the savage, lethal, and damn evil part of Luthor previously unseen in the films.

SO yeah... go out and see Superman Returns, even if you don't like Superman. Just go see it so it will make more bank so I'll be able to see a sequel in a few years time. Superman is back dammit! Now lets hope his adventures last a little longer and don't suck as bad as some of his last few (mainly Superman 3 and 4... those were garbage).


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