Monday, March 20, 2006

You know what really pisses me off more than anything else....besides stupid people? I'll tell ya, it's little missing white girls. That's right. I hate little missing white children. Well actually perhaps I should step back for a moment and rethink that. Perhaps it's not the little missing white children that I hate, but perhaps it's the media coverage that they tend to generate. I couldn't tell you how many nights I've flipped through the channels, stopping on CNN momentarily only to find Nancy Grace and her ego filling my screen. I listen for a few moments as she rambles on to some alleged "expert" in the field of missing white girls about how bad she feels for the family and how she hates and yet at the same time somehow surprised that something like this [missing white children] could happen. Well you know what Nancy Grace? I'm not just some simple minded fruit fly who was dumb enough to fall into your little web of deceit. Oh no....not this fly. Not now, not ever.

Nancy Grace and her colleagues over at Fox News....Yea...I'm talking to you Van Sustren, well they couldn't give two shits about any of these kids. Truth be told, neither do I.....I really don't care. I know that's horrible of me to say....but then again, unlike our friends at CNN and FOX, I'm not profiting off of their abductions. They run that garbage night in and night out because they know people are gonna tune in to watch them discuss essentially nothing. Most of the time they don't have anything to really go on. Just rumors and various conflicting statements from their "sources". But none the less; people tune in and when people tune in you can be damn sure the advertisers and the networks take notice. They wouldn't run the same stories if they weren't generating so much ad-revenue. I mean Christ Almighty.....that Nancy Holloway bitch....missing for over a year and a half...maybe even close to two...I don't even remember but damn if CNN isn't trying to do it's part and update me to death with the facts of her abduction every night at 8. I do think Van Sustren at FOX is worse though, then again everything FOX NEWS does tends to just kinda suck, and in a big way, yet ironically Van Sustren has chosen to beat this story to death, much in fact like Natalie was.

In all likely hood that girl is dead....just as dead now as she was a year ago, yet for some reason people just can't get enough and I have no idea why. That girl is dead....dead as hell. She's deader then dead. You know, I am human, I will say that that is unfortunate and all and it really must suck for the family, BUT in no way do I think her dead ass deserves as much attention as she's gotten....or currently getting. I don't think any of those missing little white kids deserve it. I think that that's what pisses me off the most, that the media isn't an equal opportunity exploiter.

Think about it.....really think about it. When was the last time you turned on the news and heard something about a missing child that wasn't a cute white girl? You can't remember hearing anything about it because it never happened. Not to imply that it doesn't happen though; hundreds if not thousands of kids go missing each day and I'm pretty sure they're not all cute little white teenagers. If your kid goes missing and it's not white, don't bother calling the media for help. They'll tell you to take your ass to Montel or Maury. Who the fuck do these people calling the shots think they are? What makes them so high and mighty that they can choose and pick, and in the case of Nancy Holloway, stick with the same racially bland coverage?

What gives those sick bastards who sit on high, the right to say "Hey, care about this kid....but not this one over here"? Would it really hinder the search for Natalie if you were to devote 10 minutes to missing children that aren't "cute" white girls? I mean it's not like she's going to get any that even a word? Deader? Oh well, either way.....I wanna see some missing little black kids, or brown kids, or hell even little yellow Chinese kids. I just hope so badly that one day I can sit down, watch the news, and the first thing that I see won't be the toothy smile from some missing little white girls school yearbook photo.

You might say I'm a horrible person, or that I have no soul or heart but until I see some diversity as far as abducted children on the news, I really don't give a shit about any of them. I'm not going to sit back and let the media tell me to care about one type of person while they just sit back and completely ignore all others. Fuck that. Diversity Now....dammit.


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