Sunday, July 30, 2006

Man... I use to update this thing like crazy. Then again, I didn't have a single fucking thing going on but now.... ehhhh, not so much. I swear, having something somewhat resembling a life, it'll wreck hell on your blogging time. Now I find myself to either too fucking tired to sit here and churn this mindless shit out, or I just plain don't feel like doing shit in general, which is generally all the time. Generally speaking that is.

I had an idea the other day for an act. Picture this... me and my tiny dog in matching tuxedos and hats and CANES and we put on a song and dance number to "Let's Call the Whole Thing Off". Only problem is my dog... he.... he can't sing. Or dance for that matter. But if he could... well that would be the hottest ticket in town, baby. If only... if only....

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Can't talk.... late for work.... very tired... Final on Thursday in class...... nervous.... I'm ever so tired..... Getting ready for fall semester... meeting with advisor Thursday..... Seacrest out.


Tuesday, July 18, 2006

That's right. Power to the motherfucking people, yo! I'm fighting the good fight and I'm sticking it to the man. I joined a Battlefield 2 clan a few weeks ago because I was tired of losing at that shit because countless jerk offs could never get their shit together and play as a team. That's how you really kill people. Not guns, but teamwork. Anyways, they seemed like a good group of dudes, almost all of them are. But all of a sudden the other day, the head of the clan or as he may also be know... the Fuhrer!
The man has institued a ban on certain words. Swear words. Curse words. Call them what you will. The ban on these words was said to only be in effect on the section of our forums that is open to the general public, with the members section not affected at all by this. I had no problem with that. It's like being asked not to swear in a restaurant with kids in it. BUT the man has implented a language filter that automatically replaces certain words with stars or ******. The thing of it is, we're still blocked from saying certain on words on the private section of our boards.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Cat Scratch Fever
No, no. Not that shitty, albeit slightly catchy Ted Nugent song. I got scratched a fucking cat this morning.... it sucks!
So this morning around... ehhh... let's call it 11:30-ish. Yeah, around that time I faintly heard the pounding beats and whining voices of some shitty rappers and their "hip hop". Naturally, much like the North American Grizzly bear, I was angered to have my slumber cut short. So from the middle of my queen size water bed, I rolled my arm over to my left only to be viciously and savagely attacked by my cat, Jackson, evil bastard that he is.
I suppose he was also angry that he had been awakened so rudely, but none the less... that shit was uncalled for. He lashed out at my face with his savage kitty claws and tore into my soft pink flesh. Evil fuck. So yeah... he fucked up the right side of my face, which just so happens to be my good side. So now I have these 3 claw marks starting where my sideburns would be if I had them, and they stretch all the way up to my eye. He was an less than an inch away from taking out MY FUCKING EYE. My fucking EYE goddammit!
Do you know what not having two eyes would do to me? I'm not exactly sure myself, but I know that it wouldn't be good.... I know that much.

Monday, July 10, 2006

The Great Mustachio
Damn right. I finally decided a few days ago, that after sporting my goatee for a few years now, it was time to give it some company. So, I'm growing a mustache. I figured the time is right. The mustache is about to make a big comeback... in a big way. With Adam Morrison hitting the NBA in a few months time, soon you'll see a mustache every where you look. Yet I will have been ahead of the curve, as I often am.
I have high hopes for my mustache. Hopefully it'll be bitching and I'll be able to keep that bitch shining. During the school year, my mustache will help me with tests, and on the weekends we'll help tutor other students. In the summer, my mustache and I will drive across the country in a muscle car, solving mysteries and helping those who can not help themselves. Times will be good. My mustache will be very wise.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Life is good. I got a job. I'm in school. Things are good. I thought about a few things today, cleared my head so to speak.

I'd like to quote a bit of scripture if I may, that I think fits things now.

Armaments, chapter two, verses nine through twenty-one.

"And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, "O Lord, bless this thy hand grenade, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy." And the Lord did grin. And the people did feast upon the lambs and sloths, and carp and anchovies, and orangutans and breakfast cereals, and fruit-bats..."

Yeah.... I think that sums things up nicely. Plus we can all learn something from that.

Monday, July 03, 2006


HELL FUCKING YEAH HE HAS! I went and saw Superman Returns this afternoon since I got off work early and man, what a fucking ride. From the moment the credits started and I heard the cue of John Williams' Superman theme strike up I felt like I was 5 years old again, sitting on my living room floor staring up at the TV in that kind of wide eyed amazement you only really have when you're a child. It was beautiful to hear those notes again. Hell, it was so fucking cool to see Superman on screen again the way he should have been done before. No bad wire work anywhere, I truly believed a man could fly... again. No disrespect to Chris Reeve and the Donner films that is, they did the most with what they had at the time and looking back it's not bad.

And Brandon Routh had some mighty big red boots to fill but the kid did a damn good job. I thought he was too young and perhaps too pretty to be Superman but he does a damn fine job of pulling it off. There's a new definitive version of Superman in my mind, and that is Brandon Routh's take on the character. Chris Reeve will always hold a dear place in my heart though. I think he would have been very proud to see what Brandon did with the role. I was.

Kevin Spacey was the balls as Luthor. He was just mean, I mean damn mean. And evil. This isn't Hackman's Luthor at all, this Luthor not only wishes to kill Superman, but make him hurt at every stop along the way. I dug his take. Still had some of the humor of the Donner films yet introduced the savage, lethal, and damn evil part of Luthor previously unseen in the films.

SO yeah... go out and see Superman Returns, even if you don't like Superman. Just go see it so it will make more bank so I'll be able to see a sequel in a few years time. Superman is back dammit! Now lets hope his adventures last a little longer and don't suck as bad as some of his last few (mainly Superman 3 and 4... those were garbage).