Friday, June 16, 2006


Whoooooo. I got a fever.... and the only prescription is more kick ass World Cup soccer... or football to our international friends.

For the last 2 months I've been playing the hell out of EA's FIFA World Cup 06 and it has done its job quite adequately of getting a lazy American such as me, totally fired up for the World Cup. I love watching Soccer now. I like most Americans, use to believe that Soccer was a game for the rest of the world. That it was too slow paced and just wasn't exciting enough for us.... well not anymore. While I always had respect for those that play the game (let's face it... you have to be in pretty fucking good shape to chase that ball up and down a field for 90 minutes) I never really enjoyed it.

Well that time has passed. Over the last week watching the games on ESPN2, and in the previous months playing the game on my computer, I've come to find that Soccer is quite possibly one of the most thrilling games on the planet. You really never know when a goal could be scored and when they are it's the most electrifying thing to watch. The skill that some of the players possess is astounding.

Take for example David Beckham. Everyone on the planet should probably at least know who he is, if not at least who he's married to. I've heard the saying "bend it like Beckham" before but I never really understood it until I watched the man play. The way he can bend a cross to anyone he damn well pleases is just amazing. Watching him send the cross to Crouch yesterday during the 83rd minute, as he then headed the ball into the net was just pure poetry in motion. You can't beat a finish to match like that. Deadlocked at 0 until the final minutes of the game only to step up and make a play when it mattered the most. Then I tried out England and Beckham in the game and sure enough, the man can send the ball anywhere to anyone at any time.

I'm digging the whole "play the world" thing too. For some reason I couldn't give two shits when it comes to the Olympics but there's something really cool about representing your country when it comes to Soccer I think. The best players in the entire world, on the biggest stage in the world, representing their home countries. I really think that winning isn't everything in this tournament. Just being there, playing for your country, for the entire world to see.... well that's just the pinnacle of sport's entertainment.

I don't think I'll stop watching the tournament if team USA loses on Saturday. I really want to see us do well and make it to the next round but I'm not sure if we're up to the task. We'd have to beat Italy as well as Ghana and I'm just not sure we're going to be able to make it past Italy. One more loss and we're done. Considering our nation and its other sports, soccer has grown by leaps and bounds in this country over the last 20 years or so. It's a shame more people don't seem to be into it. I went out yesterday trying to find a team USA jersey so I could show my support for the team and the sport, yet alas... no one had any... anywhere. Which sucked.... I wanted a Reyna jersey. Or Mcbride.

But that's enough of Soccer now. I have to look up movie show times, for tonight I am going to see Nachooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Libre with my homie. Should be a fun time.


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