Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Check this shizzzit out. OK... So I was at Subway not more than say... 20 minutes ago. I was sitting there chatting it up with the girls behind the counter because I go there a lot and they know me there. This old guy and what I can only assume to be his granddaughter come in. I continue chatting and laughing it up with the employees. I could tell that the other people in line behind had their attention focused on us and our conversation. We we're having a good time, it was clear. I'm a very charismatic individual... when I choose to be, otherwise I'm kind of a prick.

Anyway, smiling, I turned to this girl and her grandfather and apologized to her that I was holding them up and made a joke or two at my expense. Naturally as always, that worked to ease what I assumed might have been tension. You know, "why is this asshole taking so long and getting so many sandwiches?" Anyway, I turn back towards the counter and continue chatting with the help, when out of the corner of my eye I notice said girl staring at me. Like really staring. I mean this girl was "eye-fucking" the shit out of me. I'm not just being full of myself or anything... well I am full of myself, but not about this.

So you're probably going "Well what the fuck is the problem then, because if anyone is gonna have a problem with some hot girl eye fucking the shit out of them it's gotta be you." Well the problem was that this hot girl eye fucking the shit out of me was just that, a girl. She couldn't have been more then 15 or 16 years old. I know for a lot of dudes my age that wouldn't really be a problem, but for some reason for me it is. I just feel like that would have been wrong of me to try and pick that girl up... actually I wouldn't have had to try; that was a sure deal, but it just didn't seem right to me. Maybe it's because I have a sister who's that girls age but that just seems wrong to me.

And what is up with young girls? That's not the first time something like that has happened to me. For some reason I have no problem picking up girls between the ages of 14-16. Of course once I find out their age, which I now do right away, I go my separate way. We won't make that mistake ever again; damn right we won't. I just don't get it. For some reason it seems like I'm only attractive to girls who still take the bus to school. Which is not at all what I'm going for. I know that really if you think about the 3 years from 16 to 19, it isn't that bad.... but it just seems bad at this age to me. If I was 25 and that girl from Subway was 22, I know I would have had no problem with it at all. I would have grabbed her right there, took her back home, nailed her, and sent her on her way. So why is that? Why do those 3 years seem so bad now... besides those 3 years possibly representing jail time? Maybe that's why. Statutory rape. Not I. No thank you. I really want that on my record. "Warning this guy nails underage girls." Again, no thank you. I'll pass.

But yeah....I paid for my sandwiches, talked to that girl again and then left. I could really tell she digging me from the way she smiled and the way she batted her eyes a few times but she also was trying really hard to make conversation. I felt kind of bad for her. She really seemed intrested but nothing would ever happen and I know how that can feel. I felt like shit as I started to walk out becuase she looked me in the eye with this look on her face like she was waiting for me to ask for her name, or her number, or just anything about her. Just some basic sign of intrest. I lowered my head as I walked out and I felt her eyes again. Almost felt right for a second. Almost.


At 10:22 PM, Blogger Mob said...

It only gets creepier, my friend. Try roughly the same scenario when you are 30 or so, and it just makes you want to take them aside and say, 'don't try to grow up so fast'...


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