Monday, April 17, 2006

Check this out and then tell me 1 thing that you can find irony in in this little piece of "news".

Taken from "Lohan Looks for Kabbalah Guidance" "Lindsay Lohan is turning to the Jewish mysticism of the Kabbalah in an effort to break away from her reputation as a wild child. The actress/singer admits she's sick of the perception that she's little more than a party girl and wants to be taken more seriously. She says, "I want people to know me for the work I'm doing, not for this party girl image." And she's hoping that the religion championed by Madonna, and dabbled with by pal Paris Hilton and Britney Spears, will help. She adds, "I am looking into Kabbalah." Lohan is also planning an awareness trip to Kenya later this year for the One Foundation charity, and she's planning to breakaway from teen movies by starring alongside Meryl Streep, Felicity Huffman and Jane Fonda."

OK... so you want to taken more seriously so you join some crazy, Hollywood, Madonna sponsered, fad version of Judaism because you want to be taken more seriously? Does anyone else see the irony in that? I know when I see the next photo of Lindsay Lohan on the cover of People, and she has on her little red Kaballah bracelet, I'll know to take her seriously then.

WHY WILL NO ONE TAKE THIS GIRL SERIOUSLY? maybe it's her titty hanging out

Plus.... I mean come on... we all know Meryl Streep is over rated as hell. I mean, I think that's one thing that we can all agree on, right?


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