Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Lo then dammit...... Lo then.

I wake up a few hours ago. I check my mail so I can track my package and this is what I find. Check out this.

Okay. Let’s get a few things straight. Well, maybe not a few things. Don’t worry; this will be short, sweet, and straight to the point. It won’t take too much out of your daily routine.
If I had known you would have turned into the same person you were 3-4 years ago, we would have NEVER became friends again. And really, the shit you send back to me in that box was a tid bit amusing. For example, the Cold ticket stub. I mean really, what would I want with your concert ticket stub?
I find it odd that you only e-mail me out of the blue when you want to tell me how you send an e-mail for your own peace of mind or how you get pissed off when someone brings me up. Okay, so ‘ODD’ isn’t a good word for that. Perhaps the words ‘irritating’ or ‘frustrating’ fit a little better. Well you know what? Don’t bother…regardless of whether or not you had or hadn’t planned on sending any future e-mail. It’s all bullshit. And the fact that you actually get angry when my name is brought up is a little poignant.
Disregard any apologies I’ve ever said to you. You don’t deserve them. You over-reacted. Yes, maybe I was at fault for a few things, but the blame can’t all be placed on me. Other people and incidents played a role in the failure of this friendship. Yes, even you. But you know what? I did what was in my heart and the heart doesn’t lie, right? Of course it doesn’t.
So in conclusion, maybe I did this for my own “peace of mind.” You were wrong by e-mailing me just to tell me how you had “repressed issues” with me for “betraying” your trust. I really don’t care. I’ve been thinking about all this shit over the course of the last week and I will stand by my opinion and my opinion is simple…I didn’t betray your trust. I find it unsettling that you say I betrayed your trust but your best friend tried to get with your “love-interest” knowing you had a thing for her. And yet, I betrayed your trust? Just me? No one has ever done that? So apparently, I’m the only one. Well excuse me while I laugh my ass off.
Anyway, I’ve stopped all forms of communication with you. Don’t bother responding back with any smart-ass comments or whatever it is you wish to do. I will not receive them.

Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.... bitch please. I'm not going to send back any response.... that would just be childish. It would only serve as fuel to the fire of this petty bullshit and besides she won't stop unless she has the last word anyway. If I started back with something she wins, and if she wins the terrorists win. Don't you see? That's what they want!.... What I will do however, is post my thoughts here, open for the world to see... because this is my turf.... my hood.

I gotta give it to her. This broad has balls. Big, huge balls. Or in Spanish.... pelotas grandes (I could be wrong, I used some cheap English to Spanish translator, so I hope I didn't offend any Spanish speaking peoples). I mean to just disrespect me like that... is just... it's just uncalled for is what it is. Plus no one fucks with me. No one. You fuck with me and you play with fire... or ice.... I'm like fire and ice, boy. Fire and ice. But that's cool. I really was cool with that broad too. All past aggressions... FORGIVEN! She had a clean slate in my book.... granted I still wanted nothing to do with her, but none the less her slate was clean. Not anymore though, she's tarnished it.

I thought we had come to an understanding. That we had come to a point that if we saw each other in public, we would at least perhaps nod, and exchange pleasantries.... well not anymore. If I ever see that broad out and about.... I'll pretend to not see her. That's right... I'll totally act like she's not ever there. OH.... Snap... that's right. I said it. BURNED! Hope she has some aloe vera handy when that happens for that massive burn! OH YEAH!

I sent the original message this response stemmed from a few weeks ago I thought. I had forgotten about it for the most part. I've had my mind on other things... like the fact that my video card is only 2 hours away in Atlanta.... yet it's just sitting there. For the last 5 hours when it could have been on it's way here. But it's not... which is really gay.

And what's up with the quotations around love interest up there like I said that shit or something. Those don't sound like my words. Too umm... cliche for me. I know I could do better than that. I'm far more clever than "love interest". What's clever than that, I don't know. But I could probably think of something... I just don't want to right now.

She could have had it all... the polite head nod, the pleasant hello.... well no. That just wasn't enough. She had to go and send me this today..... the second most holy day of the week. I of course refer to the day after a new episode of 24 airs as the "second most holy weekday" with of course, Monday being the top. LONG LIVE BAUER POWER!

I wonder what Jack Bauer would have done had he gotten that e-mail. He'd probably look into the camera for a minute and squint and mumble something first, but after that he'd be a man of action. Somebody (i.e. NOT JACK BAUER) would most likely end up shot in the arm or the kneecap, because as we all know... when it comes to shooting people, Jack Bauer does not discriminate. He is an equal opportunity bad ass. He'll shoot ya... doesn't matter if you're a woman, or man, or a dog. He will fucking shoot you. Kinda like Dick Cheney... not in the bad ass sense... but in the sense that he will shoot any human being indiscriminately, regardless of gender, age, race, what have you.

Oh, Look at that. I did it again. Here I am going on about how bad ass Jack Bauer is when I was talking about something entirely unrelated. I'm sorry, sometimes the day after a new episode of 24 airs my mind just wanders. BAUER POWER!

Well it's time to end this. So in summation, ummm.... screw that broad, and Jack Bauer for President in 2008! GOD BLESS YOU ALL, AND GOD BLESS THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA!


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