Sunday, April 23, 2006

This week is going to be the absolute BALLS. My ma is going to Florida with my sister. My brother is going with friends. My Step dad is going to Alabama. I got this whole place to myself for 3-4 days starting this Friday morning. My new video card should get here within the next 2-4 days so I'll have the entire weekend to sit at my computer in my underwear playing BF2 till my eyes bleed from the kick ass and smooth frame rate and realistic lighting and shadows. Kinda sad actually now that I really think about it.... but fuck that. I wanted a new card for a long time and I finally got it and what better way to enjoy it than sitting around half nude by yourself in the dark? Exactly.... nothing.

Also I exceeded my eBay estimate of $80 and came in at a cool $105.85. Not bad considering it's my first time selling something and I only sold half of the things listed.


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