Sunday, April 23, 2006

Someone here in Macon likes to read my blog. Someone with Firefox, Cox Cable, and a desktop running at 1024x768.

Well I'm curious as to who you are. Who any of you are. I wish to know. Not because I'm some paranoid freak or something.... cuz I am totally not some freak.... for the most part. I just have a kick ass hit counter. But I would like to know what kind of people read this. I'm calling you out, all of ya's. And if you don't respond... then that makes all of you cowards.

E-mail me at if you read this. Tell me a bit about yourself, leave me some feedback on this thing. I want input dammit. If I'm gonna try to make a career out of writing I figure I might as well find out if I suck at it.


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