Monday, June 12, 2006

Son of a Bitch....

OK, well today I had a few things that I needed to do and a few things stood in my way of doing those. I wrote out this really long and elegantly worded, yet still vulgar version of the morning and afternoon's accounts. However, upon completion when it came time to spell check, the page somehow reloaded (I'm new to IE7, plus it's a beta) and all was lost. So I sit here before you "lazy" and slightly angry over that, so now I present the "lazy", angry version of today:

OK, I needed to return my Spanish books and get Spanish dropped from my schedule. Due to their (the college) crappy (for me at least) web service, "BannerWeb" not allowing me do so from my home, I went to the Warner Robins branch of the MSC campus to get the class dropped. Low and behold, upon arrival, I find that what I seek to do can not be done from where I am. So I decide to go ahead and go to the bookstore and exchange the book. After arguing with the lady at the counter over a few minutes over the specifics of the matter, we come to the conclusion that I can be afforded a full refund, however, since I paid for said books with a check the only way for me to receive my funds would be by check. This sucks, because now I have to wait for someone in the financial office to cut me a check and then mail it to me when they could just as easily have credited the funds to my “HigherOne” debit card thing that they gave me when I enrolled. The card exists as an easy means for the college to issue returns on books or tuition fee's which is why I was a bit angry as to having sit with my thumb up my ass for a few weeks waiting for that check to come in.

Then I returned home with the information I had received from the nice English lady at the Warner Robins campus, and I called the registrar at the Macon campus to have Spanish dropped from my schedule. The woman on the other end made her first mistake when she took a tone with me. The second came when she took an even bitchier, dare I say "holier than thou" tone with me, to which I do not take kindly to. It'd do someone wise not to take that tone with me, lest they be in need of an ass kicking....

I'm sorry; I just gotta stop for one moment. I've been watching the most kick ass new show, as in new to me, that I've seen in a while: HBO's Deadwood (of which the 3rd season premiered last night). Wow, what I can say about that masterpiece that hasn't been said. It's just too cool and I guess all that extremely well written dialogue is just starting to rub off on me a bit. I watched a full two seasons in 3 days time. It tends to stick in your head upon a marathon sitting such as that.

Anyways, back to that bitch and her tone. She had one, and I for one wasn't going to take it. I responded in kind with that of my own. When the exchange was near end, she told me that the only way for me to drop the class to come down there today. I told her she would see me soon and that was that. When I arrived there later however, I wasn't able to see her as luck would have it. Instead I spoke with a nice young lady who had the class erased from my schedule in less than 5 minutes.

That was end of my trouble from there the day was, dare I say, good. I went over to the Wellness Center/Gym place and signed the necessary waivers needed to have access the equipment. Then this big guy named Ken took me on a tour of the place. Showed me all the equipment, different rooms and what not and also the pool. Mmmm. The pool. He introduced me to this tan piece of ass with legs of a lifeguard that works there. At this moment, in this state; her name escapes me. I wish I recalled her name but I'm sure I'll see her again. Then my new buddy Ken gave me this little 5 second body fat test thing. I got 13.4 which on the scale that read, 11, 12-14, 14-18, and so forth, with 11 being excellent shape, 12-14 being good, 14-18 average (which I think by today's standards means fat considering a majority of the nation is obese), and so on. So actually I'm in "good" shape. The guy said drop 10 more pounds and I will actually be, medically speaking in "excellent" physical shape. Whoooohoooo. I always felt that I was kind of a tub but I guess that's just me and my issues. Feels good to have a machine and a chart assure you that you're in good shape.

So yeah that was my day until this point. Now I'm going to watch last night's new episode of Deadwood. WHOOOhooo for crazy cowboys and prospectors!


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