Tuesday, May 02, 2006


I did. I realized today that I can't really sit here and bitch about how bad I think things are in this country unless I actually take the effort to try and do something about it. So I did.

I called the headquarters of the Democratic party in Atlanta today looking for some information on what I could do to help get the vote out in my area. I'm gonna do what I can. I contacted a few local campaigns and offered my services in anyway that they may need them. Be it making calls on behalf of the party, sending out letters and fliers, or even basic door to door campaigning. I'm gonna try and do whatever I can to help ensure that the Democrats get at least 1 additional seat in the House this November. The congressman for our district is Jim Marshall and he's an incumbent; considering the fact that 98% of all incumbents are re-elected I don't really think he needs anymore help.

There is one local woman running for the Georgia House of Reps, her name escapes me at this time but this woman could use all the help she can get and I intend to do whatever may be asked of me to help ensure victory.

I thought for a while about making some type of run for City Council... or something lower than that. But that's just not gonna happen at this point. I couldn't win anything, let alone an election; but I'm not giving up hope just yet. This country needs some fresh blood in it's elected officials. Most of the ones we have today are just simply too old and too out of touch with society to truly make a difference. I'd still like to run for some office one day but right now I just don't think the people in my area would be for the idea of a 19 year old running some aspects of their fair city.

A youthful candidate could give the system the desperate kick in the ass that it needs. What better way to get rid of all the corrupt officials than electing a young, fresh face who knows that his country... or county... could do so much better.

America use to be a country that the entire world could turn to and say "hey.... those guys there.... they're not doing such a bad job. They seem like good people.... for the most part. A bit fat, but then again they do like their Big Macs."

These days if you turn on the news all you'll see is an American flag being burned by very large and very angry groups of people normally outside of a burning KFC.... or embassy..... then again the Colonel is Fried Chicken's ambassador to the world so I guess that would technically make a KFC an embassy..... or something.

I know I'm ending this shortly and abruptly but I need a drink.... but remember..... GET INVOLVED. Get the word out. We really can all make a difference. All it takes it one person to start it. The rest is up to you.


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