Thursday, June 08, 2006

Eh.... my back is gay. But these lortabs are pretty good. I'm doped out of my fucking mind so I feel like I might rant a bit.

Battlefield 2 and teamwork.... why the fuck not?

Seriously. Lately I've been kicking a little more ass than normal, and who do I have to thank for it? Me! No one else, which is fucking idiotic when you think about it. For the last 2 days I've either been first or second when the tickets hit zero at the end of a round and yet no matter how many rounds I may play on a server with the same players, it's damn near impossible for me to get a few digital commandos to join my squad. And why the fuck wouldn't they, it's not like I'm just running into battle and coming out 3-16. I'm getting scores with a 70-100 point total and coming out with around 30-10 in terms of kills and deaths. You would think that perhaps some people would say to themselves, "hey, this guy here.... he's not doing a bad job at all, in fact he's single fucking handedly man handling the other team, let's join up with him." YOU WOULD THINK THAT.... but you'd be in the fucking wrong.

I do pretty damn well when it comes to holding my own but it never hurts to have a few extra bodies backing your play. Then again, if you have an idiot cunt hair of a commander running your team you generally tend to come out on the painful end of an ass fucking. Nothing pisses me off more than some slack jawed half assed commander. Do your fucking job right or don't do it all. What's worse is when you can't mutiny against their lame asses. Some people just weren't meant to oversee the battlefield. They lack the part of the brain that controls strategy, or at least they've just severely damaged it, most likely due to some blunt head trauma from a session of inbreeding run amok.... or maybe just too much inbreeding in general.


I'll be glad when I get the use of my right arm back, then I can go out and break some dumb cunt's fucking jaw. Man, these pills make me violent. Also, I'm dropping my Spanish class this summer. I have tried my hardest yet I just haven't quite got a grasp on it and I fear that 8 weeks is simply too little time for me to attempt to master a foreign language. I'm gonna wait till this fall and take it with a full 16 week semester. No sense in me rushing through 8 weeks just to fail. I'll wait and take my time and make sure that I have a proper handle on it. I feel kinda bad for dropping that class because that one dude and I got along really well. We just sat back and cracked jokes mostly, which actually has nothing to do with me not understanding a word of Spanish. That teacher is fucking nuts. She sat for the better part of an hour the other day explaining the complex intricacies of a tape! What the fuck?!? She actually sat there and explained in extremely simple terms, how when a tape reached the end of one side that it automatically was ready to play on the opposite side. Well no fucking shit. My god, I know it's the new millennium and what not and Cd's have long since been the norm but I don't think it's been so long that people have forgotten how tapes work. I mean shit, who the fuck hasn't made a mix tape in their day?


Next week I'm venturing out looking a good massage parlor/whore house. I could use a good rub down, in both senses of the word that is. I don't see what the big deal is when it comes to whores. America was built on the backs of whores. It's the world's oldest and perhaps it's most honest profession. It's straight up. No bullshit involved. Sex for cash. And what's so wrong with that? Is it because there's no way for the government to tax them? I mean, it's no different from the tips a waitress might pick up, albeit slightly larger tips for the whores and the fact that waitresses already have their extremely small checks taxed. Perhaps. Perhaps not. Still though, nothing like a good piece of strange you just bought for the evening.

Fuck the Devil!

And what the hell was up with all those damn news reports on the Apocalypse and the Devil just because Tuesday was... and I hate to say this shit but, 6/6/06? I couldn't believe I actually heard talk coming out of these people's mouths regarding the fact of whether or not the world might end that day. I mean shit, did the world end on 6/6/1906? Fuck no! What about 6/6/1806? Again, a big FUCK NO! So what made those dumb cunts think it would end this time? Again, I'm gonna lean towards too much inbreeding. And besides fuck the Devil anyways. I've said it before and I'll say it again now: The Devil Ain't Nothing but a Bitch. The devil is just a punk. If you ever see him, bitch slap his ass just to show him what's what. Break that fucking jaw of his and then skull fuck the shit out of him.... if you know... you dig on that. Or not, that's your prerogative.

And damn if all these pills aren't taking me for a bit of a spin so I'm gonna skate.


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