Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Well yesterday was my first day at Macon State.... and I gotta say.... not bad. I can't say that I had a "ball" or anything, but it wasn't boring to the point that it was painful. My teacher was pretty cool. He's this cool old black guy with the most bitchin side burns that I have ever seen. They're sharp as razors. Dude has some style, I'll give him that...... and then he proceeded to give us like 4 pages of homework. Kinda gay to give out that much on the first day if you ask me but it's not like I have any place to complain really. It's not like I haven't had 2-3 years to just do nothing.

It's weird because I'm actually the youngest person in there but then again I guess that's what I get for taking my classes at night.... but I am nocturnal at heart so it makes the most sense when you think about it. So yeah... so far after one day I'm liking college pretty much like I figured I would. Now if I could only get that job as a clerk.... if only....

I have Spanish tonight from 5:30 till 7 something so we'll see how that goes. HOLA! That means hello. See look at that.... I'm already ahead of the class and we haven't even met yet! Ehhh, I'll be fine. Hopefully if I can master the Spanish language I can take that trip to Mexico I've been talking about forever.


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