Monday, May 08, 2006

At least I still have my Jack-Sack.

I know life isn't fair. I know that. I'm not some moron who just figured that out today or something. But goddammit, sometimes you really really wish it was. It just seems like every time something good starts to happen, or something in my life shows some type of promise, as soon as something hits it's peak... every fucking time it's exactly the same. I don't see why I bother getting my hopes up anymore. They're completely smashed into the ground each and every fucking time. It's enough to make you throw your hands up in the air and just say "fuck it!". What the fuck is the point of even trying again when you KNOW you're fucked anyway before you ever start?

Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... What pisses me off is the most is the lengths that I go to for something just to always have whatever that may be denied as soon as it's within my grasp. It just makes you wanna fucking scream and punch someone in the face... because nothing makes you feel better than socking someone right in the mouth.... other than actually having shit go smoothly that is.

But for some reason... I always fucking try again. I don't know why I do, but I do. I know I'm just setting myself up to be disappointed yet again but for some reason I always hold onto that slim chance, that just maybe, just somehow something might actually go right for a change... because that would be damn nice. I've forgotten what that was I like. It'd be nice to remember.

But oh well, at least I get a new hour of Bauer Power tonight. I know I'm one mopey sack of shit when things get me down like this and I'm pretty sure a little bit of Bauer Power will snap me out of this little "funk". Becuase dammit... Jack Bauer is a patriot and Jack Bauer wouldn't give up. Jack Bauer would probably be really pissed for a while like I was... but then Jack Bauer would get up and go shoot someone and then Jack Bauer would feel better about himself. Shooting terrorists.... it's a self esteem booster no matter who you are. I on the other hand, can not just go out and shoot someone to make myself feel better... but I can watch Jack Bauer do it for me... so you know... I got that going for me at least.

Actually, I feel better just for having talked about Jack Bauer shooting someone. JACK BAUER... NOW MORE THAN EVER BEFORE!



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