Thursday, May 04, 2006

HOT DAMN! These are very exciting times we find ourselves in... well I find myself in. Things are happening. Wheels are in motion, gears are turning, and finally shit is starting to come together. Some ups and downs along the way but nothing too bad.

Today I had my meeting with this academic adviser at Macon State. She was very nice. Very polite as well. She was good people. She explained things very clearly and simply... perhaps too simply. Perhaps she assumed I was retarded or something. None the less, she was very helpful in helping getting me set up.

I'm taking my classes this summer out in Warner Robins, all in the evening... because let's face it.... I have no life. For my lucky 3 picks, I chose Math, Spanish, and this Spanish lab thing... which technically isn't a class but more of a requirement for the Spanish class. And I think we can all agree that if there was ever a time to learn Spanish in this country, it's now. Unfortunately I won't be getting any actual credits for either of those classes as they're some type of remedial thing or something. Which I don't mind because I really suck at math... very badly, and needless to say my Spanish is mucho bado.

After this summer however, specifically this fall, I'll be able to take regular classes and what not. I have to take a few required classes before I can start with Journalism but from what we discussed this afternoon, assuming I don't fail every class; I could be on my way to becoming a legitimate journalist by January. So... not bad. I'll take it.

Also, I finally was contacted back by Lauren Benedict, the candidate I spoke of previously who's running for the GA House of Reps. She seemed interested in what I had to say and asked if I wouldn't mind sending her a response telling her a little bit more about myself. I did and I like to think that I wrote a very intelligent and articulate summary of my views and interests. I can sell my ass when I have to. I know I swear like a sailor here but when it's something that's actually imporant I clean my shit up and I like to think I'm actually somewhat refined when need be. Here's hoping she needs a few speeches written. Nice little way to get my foot in the political arena. That would look damn nice on some type of application someday as well.

"Oh... I see you wrote speeches for a winning State Rep candidate... We could use a man like you."

Damn yeah they could!

And in a sad development, the recent video card I ordered and went through so much to get to work turns out to be a complete piece of shit after a few days. But that's just my luck, the bad kind. So I packed that shit up today, went to the post office, and sent that piece off to Illinois and ordered a better card. Should be here by Monday at the latest.... perhaps... or Tuesday. Monday or Tuesday... it's one of the two... I know that much


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