Wednesday, May 24, 2006

MAN...... I am beat.

I have been up for more than 25 hours now and combined with my cold, I feel like shit. I imagine this is what Jack Bauer must feel like after a hard 24 hours of world savin... only with less cuts and bruises... or taser burns... you know, shit like that. My right lung does hurt a bit when I breath in and it also hurts in the same spot on my back..... weird. My ma said something about it "could be an ammonia" or something like that. I'm gonna sit on it for a few days, see what happens.

I had to go that orientation thing tonight. Whooo. Snooze fest. God, could they have been any more boring? I think not. I wanted to die but I mustered up the energy to stay awake. They did share some useful information, so I can't really say it was totally worthless. Also they gave me this little flash USB storage device. That was cool of them I guess. I'm not sure how much data it holds but I'm sure I'll find some use for it. I start classes on Monday so yeah.... I still have to get my books and pay them my tuition but I have like 2 days.... so yeah... there's like plenty of time. Plenty.

I'm gonna start ranting more again. Things to rant about.... I got em, and I'll use em.

I think I'm gonna sleep in in the coming morning. Should be nice.


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