Sunday, May 21, 2006

I shaved my head. Yes, alas I no longer have my flowing curling brown locks of hair. It was said watching it all go sliding down my head. But now my head feels extremely cool so you know... that's a plus. I walked outside when the broad was done and the breeze as it swept over my skull was just marvelous. Fortunately for me my skull, while big, isn't misshapen by any means so I don't look that bad without hair. Some people.... not so lucky. You ever seen someone with an ugly skull and a shaved head? Well you don't want to, I can tell you that much.

It's also kinda cool because for the first time in my life, I actually have like a regular barber now. I've always just walked into whatever barber shop I may find and just sit down and let some stranger have at it. Well no longer will that happen. I got this cool broad at this place. She's pretty cool. We talk about trying to find me an old sugar momma and what not. Good times, good times.

I woke up tonight and I feel a little sick. Which is gay. I hate having a cold during the summer. It just doesn't feel right.

Tomorrow is a special day yet it is a day that comes not without a price. For you see, tomorrow is the last 2 hours of new Bauer Power that any of us will get until January of 2007. I know... shocking. But you know, all good things must end... eventually, and after 22 new, and solid episodes in a row, it's time for us to say good bye to Jack Bauer once again. I will miss you Jack Bauer. You came into my life at a weird time and you showed me just what it meant to be a true bad ass. You don't take any shit from anyone and if they give you any, you can always just shoot em in the kneecaps. And I think we can all learn something from that and Jack. Never give up. Jack Bauer didn't... and he never will.

So yes.... God bless you fictional Jack Bauer. You truly are the baddest of the bad. And godspeed Jack Bauer..... godspeed.

Namaste. Bitch(es).


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