Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Someone drank my "Sick Juice".

Some bastard in this house drunk my "sick juice". When I say, "Sick Juice", I don't mean juice that's tainted... oh no, quite the opposite. This "Sick Juice" that I speak of is juice that I went out of my sick way to get this morning, for you see.... I am sick. Yes, I have the sickness. Quite a nasty cold. It just couldn't have come at a better time, what with me having to go to orientation tonight and what not. But yes, someone drunk my juice. Which sucks. We have all manner of beverages to choose from here, something surely will strike your fancy; be it Pepsi, or the freshest Dew from the Mountain (I don't care for it myself).... water, milk, and so forth..... BUT NO! For those were not enough to quench the thirst of those whom I share a home with it. Oh NO sir... not enough at all. So now I sit here sick, and without the juice that contains the vitamins and other... stuff that my sick body so desperately craves. Damn juice mongers.

Also, Last night was the bitching 24 season finale. Rocked my fucking socks. They took down that sum'bitch Logan and in the end Jack Bauer ended up being kidnapped by the Chinese for breaking into their embassy and killing a few guys in the process. Jack begged them to kill him but they refused citing that Mr Bauer was "far too valuable to kill." And then we see he's being held in the hold of a cargo ship bound for Shanghai. WHoooooo. Bring on the 24 movie. Jack fighting his way out of China, even if he has to kill a billion of them. Jack Bauer doesn't use chopsticks.... his 2000 concubines hand feed him his food.

Namaste. (I don't know what that even means but that weird Dr guy on LOST says it and it sounds cool so I'm just gonna with it.)


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