Friday, May 12, 2006


OOOOwwww. I feel good. I... knew that I would. I said, I feel good. I, knew that I would. So good.... so good.... cause I got my shit finally working.

Yes, after many months and hundreds of dollars spent I finally have a PC that I am comfortable with. And it's about damn time. To think, everything that I've done has all been for one fucking video game. Albeit a very fun game, but a game none the less. Let's take a quick moment to recap the long road that got me here.

December 2005 - Purchased Battlefield 2 for myself for Christmas only to be horribly disappointed when it ran extremely choppy. $50

January 2006 - Spent over $500 on a 19 LCD Monitor, DVD-RW drive, and 1 gig of RAM, $40 for Special Forces Exp. Pack

February 2006 - In an attempt to further boost the playing experience, add another $70 spent for another gig of Ram.

April 2006 - Purchased an nVidia Geforce 6800 for $140 only to have it crap out after a few days. RMA'ed.

April 2006 - Purchased an nVidia Geforce 6600 GT for $140 only to have incompatibility issues with my motherboard.

May 2006 - $12 spent on a Logitech Wingman Joystick

May 2006 - Spent $170 on a new motherboard, processor, case, and power supply.


Total Spent - Over $1000 for ONE GODDAMN GAME! THAT'S INSANE!

Finally being able to smoothly blow people out of the skies in Battlefield 2 - PRICELESS!

And finally in less geekier news... My Hope Grant thingy went through, so that's another $500 for school. I have orientation in about a week and classes start at the end of the month I believe. Should be pretty neat.... that's right bitch! I said neat. Say something 'bout it... I dare ya's.


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