Monday, May 15, 2006


You tell President Palpatine, Jack Bauer. That was line was part of the preview for next week's two hour 24 season finale. It's going to be damn exciting. The culmination of the past 21 weeks, not counting tonight that is. Because we couldn't get to next week without tonight. That's a fact. It's science.

Tonight was not without it tense moments, with not one but two close calls for two very bad ass characters. It looked like it was going to be the end for Secret Service agent Aaron Peirce, who refused to look the other way when it came to that evil bastard President Logan and what he's done. He had David Palmer killed for fucks sake. DAVID "ALLSTATE" PALMER! It looked like he was about to get one in the back of the head when fortunately Mrs. Logan intervened and ultimately killed Pres Logan's secret service henchman. Way to go Mrs. Logan! It's just goes to show you that needy, manic depressive, pill poppin, middle aged women can make a difference after all.

Almost lost another good one tonight with CTU field agent Curtis Manning, aka "Black Bauer" or "Black Jack". The Yin to Jack Bauer's Yang.... or is it the Yang to Jack Bauer's Yin.... I don't know. I just know Curtis is just the Black version of Jack which makes him equally as bad ass and that's all that really matters anyway. BLACK BAUER!...... Anyway, while trying to apprehend a suspect, a fire fight broke out and clearly Black Bauer had been hit. You saw his body drop back and out of sight for a moments. I was shocked. Surely they wouldn't kill off another fan favorite character. Luckily it was only a flesh wound. I was relieved. This season has seen one jaw dropper after another and next week promises at least 2..... maybe 3 more.

Other than LOST, the Daily Show, Colbert Report, and like the news in general, I don't watch a hell of a lot of TV anymore, but 24 is just the fucking balls. Coolest show ever.


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