Wednesday, May 31, 2006

WOW. That's all I can say..... WOW!

I spent the last 10 minutes reading over various entries that I use to enter in my DeadJournal back in the day. Basically it's a blog before they were the hip thing to have. And man I gotta say.... I prophesied my entire downfall. It's fucked up too. Every shitty thing that I've gone through in the last 2 years and even recently, I pretty much called back then.

That's some bad ju-ju in there man. It's freaky when you think about it. If I was able to foresee all of this shit then, then in turn does that mean that all the shit I wonder about now will actually come to pass?

Well you know what.... if what I say is gonna happen to me now is actually going to happen to me in a few years, like much of that did, then dammit.... I'm gonna start saying some good shit.

I'm gonna move to Europe after I finish my education. In Europe, I'll find a nice stoner geek chic, and she will be mine. Oh yes, she will be mine. She'll never become my common law wife, because neither of us really believe in marriage. We'll just shack up pretty much. We'll live well.... not rich, but well enough to not have to worry about money and what not. I'll be a successful writer who's thoughts and words changed the lives of tens, if not hundreds of people.... I know that's not a lot, but what the hell, let's start small.... None the less, my geeky stoner chic and I will roam much of Europe for years until we make our way to the South Pacific. There we will find a nice small island off the coast of New Zealand where we will live in a small beach hut. We won't have much but we will be happy there. Our children will grow up frolicking amongst the white sand and lush green forests that surround us. We'll have 2 kids. A boy and a girl naturally. And a dog.... maybe even a monkey.

So yeah, if the shit I think about tends to come to pass, well then let's see that shit happen.

Well today was my second day at Macon State, first day of Spanish. Ehhhh.... it's ok. The school is nice, but Spanish.... meh. Nothing against the language or the people that speak it, but I just have no desire to really learn it. I'm only in there because I have to be... so yeah. Forcing someone to learn something isn't really the best way to go about that from my experience. It's easy to loose interest that way. There was a guy I knew from high school that I got along with pretty well in my class tonight, so I guess that was kind of a pleasant surprise.

I guess the day itself wasn't that bad but I'm just feeling kind of bummed out tonight. When I was walking around the campus earlier I saw so many happy little couples walking along, hand in hand and it just made me angry. Then I had the pleasure of watching two little happy couples came trotting into my class after I had sat down and was waiting for it to start. It just makes you wanna tell em to fuck off.... but that would be wrong. I know what they're feeling. They're happy as can be and seem to be floating on air and good for them. I know that's an awesome feeling to have. But at the same time, you can't help but just loathe anyone that does have that feeling because you envy it. You've had it before and you want it back. You want it so bad and you can remember it! You remember every minute and every detail and it kills you seeing other people have what you so desperately crave. Then you come home to nothing. You just put your shit down and that's it. You sit in silence, pondering, thinking deep about where it all went wrong. You do your best to kill some time until you're tired enough to go to sleep, because really that's all you have. Those few hours when it doesn't matter how alone you feel or actually are. Those few hours are the only escape you have and it kills you waiting for the time to roll around when you can finally close your eyes and allow your constantly over analyzing mind to rest........................ or so I've been told.

Well yesterday was my first day at Macon State.... and I gotta say.... not bad. I can't say that I had a "ball" or anything, but it wasn't boring to the point that it was painful. My teacher was pretty cool. He's this cool old black guy with the most bitchin side burns that I have ever seen. They're sharp as razors. Dude has some style, I'll give him that...... and then he proceeded to give us like 4 pages of homework. Kinda gay to give out that much on the first day if you ask me but it's not like I have any place to complain really. It's not like I haven't had 2-3 years to just do nothing.

It's weird because I'm actually the youngest person in there but then again I guess that's what I get for taking my classes at night.... but I am nocturnal at heart so it makes the most sense when you think about it. So yeah... so far after one day I'm liking college pretty much like I figured I would. Now if I could only get that job as a clerk.... if only....

I have Spanish tonight from 5:30 till 7 something so we'll see how that goes. HOLA! That means hello. See look at that.... I'm already ahead of the class and we haven't even met yet! Ehhh, I'll be fine. Hopefully if I can master the Spanish language I can take that trip to Mexico I've been talking about forever.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Take a good look around, and if you're looking down.... PUT A LITTLE LOVE IN YOUR HEART! Because you know, the world will be a better place... for you.... and me. Just wait and see.



Friday, May 26, 2006

Well I went to the doctor early this morning because my back was killing me and it turns out that after a few X-rays I do not have an ammonia. What I did do however, was cough so hard that I.... if I remember correctly I either bruised or pulled a muscle in my back. So now it hurts every time I pretty much do anything. Even breathing hurts. It feels as if I have a knife sticking out of my back and it suuuuuuuucks.


Also I'm exactly 6 feet tall and I lost 10 pounds. Suck on that body fat!

Also again, I start college on Tuesday! So yeah! Fucking A! I'm finally doing something with my life. I got my little Macon State ID badge and parking stickers and shit. I'm like a legitimate college student. It's a very exciting time for me. Plus I get access to their gym, which is fucking awesome. I'm gonna start going like twice a week. It's gonna be awesome! Also I might start clerking at this corner store. How awesome would that be? Me a clerk? That would be tits...... HA...... titties.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

I'm pissed off dammit.... and I'm not gonna take it anymore!

That's right childrens... it's that time again. That special time when I get really... "medicated", and I go on a rant about something or another. Well I got one for ya's today. Oh yes.... indeed I do.

Cleaning Bills and Supplies..... They're pissing me off!

They're a bitch! You know... I go out and don't not work hard for 40 hours a week slaving away at some shit job that I hate so I can just blow all my money. No sir or ma'am I do not. So what if you blew your load all over some hooker's fake wig. You shouldn't have to pay for it. That's an occupational hazard. She knew what the risks were when she signed up for that gig. So then you end up in a shouting match with some Thai hooker in some shitty motel room with paper thin walls. You don't know what the hell she's saying. All you know is some tiny woman is screaming at you in Thai and the only words you can make our are "tweny", "fie", and "dorrar". Also you hear something about the wig you just apparently ruined. You're still a little uneasy with the situation and begin to wonder if you've seen enough episodes of "CSI" to know how to properly dispose the body of a decapitated hooker. Naturally then logic and reason set in and you realize that in fact it was your wig that you made her wear. You realize that the "tweny fie dorrar" she was screaming about was in fact in referral to services rendered and not for the servicing of the wig. So yeah.... there ya go. Now you have to pay to have your own woman's wig cleaned by professionals who are professionals.... but not that kind of "professional".

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

MAN...... I am beat.

I have been up for more than 25 hours now and combined with my cold, I feel like shit. I imagine this is what Jack Bauer must feel like after a hard 24 hours of world savin... only with less cuts and bruises... or taser burns... you know, shit like that. My right lung does hurt a bit when I breath in and it also hurts in the same spot on my back..... weird. My ma said something about it "could be an ammonia" or something like that. I'm gonna sit on it for a few days, see what happens.

I had to go that orientation thing tonight. Whooo. Snooze fest. God, could they have been any more boring? I think not. I wanted to die but I mustered up the energy to stay awake. They did share some useful information, so I can't really say it was totally worthless. Also they gave me this little flash USB storage device. That was cool of them I guess. I'm not sure how much data it holds but I'm sure I'll find some use for it. I start classes on Monday so yeah.... I still have to get my books and pay them my tuition but I have like 2 days.... so yeah... there's like plenty of time. Plenty.

I'm gonna start ranting more again. Things to rant about.... I got em, and I'll use em.

I think I'm gonna sleep in in the coming morning. Should be nice.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Someone drank my "Sick Juice".

Some bastard in this house drunk my "sick juice". When I say, "Sick Juice", I don't mean juice that's tainted... oh no, quite the opposite. This "Sick Juice" that I speak of is juice that I went out of my sick way to get this morning, for you see.... I am sick. Yes, I have the sickness. Quite a nasty cold. It just couldn't have come at a better time, what with me having to go to orientation tonight and what not. But yes, someone drunk my juice. Which sucks. We have all manner of beverages to choose from here, something surely will strike your fancy; be it Pepsi, or the freshest Dew from the Mountain (I don't care for it myself).... water, milk, and so forth..... BUT NO! For those were not enough to quench the thirst of those whom I share a home with it. Oh NO sir... not enough at all. So now I sit here sick, and without the juice that contains the vitamins and other... stuff that my sick body so desperately craves. Damn juice mongers.

Also, Last night was the bitching 24 season finale. Rocked my fucking socks. They took down that sum'bitch Logan and in the end Jack Bauer ended up being kidnapped by the Chinese for breaking into their embassy and killing a few guys in the process. Jack begged them to kill him but they refused citing that Mr Bauer was "far too valuable to kill." And then we see he's being held in the hold of a cargo ship bound for Shanghai. WHoooooo. Bring on the 24 movie. Jack fighting his way out of China, even if he has to kill a billion of them. Jack Bauer doesn't use chopsticks.... his 2000 concubines hand feed him his food.

Namaste. (I don't know what that even means but that weird Dr guy on LOST says it and it sounds cool so I'm just gonna with it.)

Sunday, May 21, 2006

I shaved my head. Yes, alas I no longer have my flowing curling brown locks of hair. It was said watching it all go sliding down my head. But now my head feels extremely cool so you know... that's a plus. I walked outside when the broad was done and the breeze as it swept over my skull was just marvelous. Fortunately for me my skull, while big, isn't misshapen by any means so I don't look that bad without hair. Some people.... not so lucky. You ever seen someone with an ugly skull and a shaved head? Well you don't want to, I can tell you that much.

It's also kinda cool because for the first time in my life, I actually have like a regular barber now. I've always just walked into whatever barber shop I may find and just sit down and let some stranger have at it. Well no longer will that happen. I got this cool broad at this place. She's pretty cool. We talk about trying to find me an old sugar momma and what not. Good times, good times.

I woke up tonight and I feel a little sick. Which is gay. I hate having a cold during the summer. It just doesn't feel right.

Tomorrow is a special day yet it is a day that comes not without a price. For you see, tomorrow is the last 2 hours of new Bauer Power that any of us will get until January of 2007. I know... shocking. But you know, all good things must end... eventually, and after 22 new, and solid episodes in a row, it's time for us to say good bye to Jack Bauer once again. I will miss you Jack Bauer. You came into my life at a weird time and you showed me just what it meant to be a true bad ass. You don't take any shit from anyone and if they give you any, you can always just shoot em in the kneecaps. And I think we can all learn something from that and Jack. Never give up. Jack Bauer didn't... and he never will.

So yes.... God bless you fictional Jack Bauer. You truly are the baddest of the bad. And godspeed Jack Bauer..... godspeed.

Namaste. Bitch(es).

Friday, May 19, 2006

10 pounds lighter and 2 shades darker

Damn yeah. All that hard work of sitting out in the sun for hours at a time is paying off. Well it had already been paying off somewhat but now that the base coat has been done for a while I'm really starting to darken quite nicely. I'm not use to this. I was pale before... not like "self flagellating albino monk" pale.... but pale none the less, so it's weird seeing my sexy ass in the mirror now. It's like "oh, who's that handsome tan lady killer".... ACQUITED I might add. I'm like George Hamilton.... just not as old and leathery.

Also the little work out thing I'm doing seems to be paying off also. I'm stronger, more toned. Combine that with tan and BAM.... watch out now!

So yeah... yay for me.

Namaste. Bitches.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

I mostly get bored at night.... mostly.

Yay, and the lord said,

"Let not the rich begat those whom are rich in spirit, for then it is written thou shalt be forever doomed to not frolic in the fields of the lord but bathe in depths of hell with the Morning Star. And the Lord did grin and the people did cheer. For then not only is he his brother's keeper but also the keeper of the flame.... wait what flame? No, you tell me who the hell signed off on the flame because I know that I didn't... Now who did? Steve, was it you? I bet it was you son of a bitch. Well no it doesn't matter now, I wrote it in ink... it's in there. It's done. Oh wait... am I writing this? Oh shit I am... uhhhh... quick. Amen."

I'm paraphrasing but I think we can all learn something from that passage.

God.... what's up with him? Discuss amongst yourselves.


I'm nocturnal. For some reason every day I'm always awake at 4 in the morning. I mostly stay up all night.... mostly. HA! I wonder who picks up on that. Anyway, I do mostly stay up all night, every night that is. For some reason I can't get to sleep unless I've seen the 5 A.M. SportsCenter, which technically is just the 3 A.M. SportsCenter, but none the less, the point remains... A man needs his SportsCenter.

That's just a fact. It's science. A man's brain requires at least 3-4 hours of SportsCenter on a daily basis in order to properly function. How can he be expected to go about his daily routine without knowing all the latest sports stats and standings? I'm telling ya's.... he can't. A study done by the Mcarrell Medical Foundation, found that only 2 out of 3 men who do not get their daily 3 hours of SportsCenter function at a third grade level. Shocking, I know. I just made it up and it shocked the bejeezus out of me.

The 2 men's reading and comprehension skills suffered from drastic impairment, most likely due to the brain being occupied pondering what the score from last night's game might have been. SportsCenter is just built into our DNA at this point. For centuries man has sought out new ways to stay up to date with the latest sports scores and news. Archaeologists in Rome have found ancient vases containing highly detailed paintings of a lowly P.A. rushing from the Colosseum with the latest Gladiator standings.... or casualty list... however you wanna look at it.

From there things would only be better and faster. I'm not going to give a history lesson because quite honestly I've become bored by this. So yeah.... A dude needs his sports scores.

Namasate. Bitches.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Now THATS a poster.

Monday, May 15, 2006


You tell President Palpatine, Jack Bauer. That was line was part of the preview for next week's two hour 24 season finale. It's going to be damn exciting. The culmination of the past 21 weeks, not counting tonight that is. Because we couldn't get to next week without tonight. That's a fact. It's science.

Tonight was not without it tense moments, with not one but two close calls for two very bad ass characters. It looked like it was going to be the end for Secret Service agent Aaron Peirce, who refused to look the other way when it came to that evil bastard President Logan and what he's done. He had David Palmer killed for fucks sake. DAVID "ALLSTATE" PALMER! It looked like he was about to get one in the back of the head when fortunately Mrs. Logan intervened and ultimately killed Pres Logan's secret service henchman. Way to go Mrs. Logan! It's just goes to show you that needy, manic depressive, pill poppin, middle aged women can make a difference after all.

Almost lost another good one tonight with CTU field agent Curtis Manning, aka "Black Bauer" or "Black Jack". The Yin to Jack Bauer's Yang.... or is it the Yang to Jack Bauer's Yin.... I don't know. I just know Curtis is just the Black version of Jack which makes him equally as bad ass and that's all that really matters anyway. BLACK BAUER!...... Anyway, while trying to apprehend a suspect, a fire fight broke out and clearly Black Bauer had been hit. You saw his body drop back and out of sight for a moments. I was shocked. Surely they wouldn't kill off another fan favorite character. Luckily it was only a flesh wound. I was relieved. This season has seen one jaw dropper after another and next week promises at least 2..... maybe 3 more.

Other than LOST, the Daily Show, Colbert Report, and like the news in general, I don't watch a hell of a lot of TV anymore, but 24 is just the fucking balls. Coolest show ever.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

A look inward....or... Reflections.... or any other gay title you wanna tack on

by the way when I say gay.... no offense to any peoples that might be gay. I got no beef with any of you. Hell, I'm for gay marriage, gay adoption, gay driver's licenses. You all deserve to be equally as unhappy as everyone else on the planet.

I'm so lonely. Sure, there's little Squirrley, but he's not much fun to talk to. It's hard to hold a conversation with an dog, let alone one who continuously has his head buried in his own ass. Perhaps I'll meet some cool new people at Macon State. More than likely though, since I'm weird and picky about who I associate myself with, I'll write them all off and say, "fuck it, I don't need anyone."

But the fact of the matter is that I do. The life of isolation that I lead, while welcomed at first, over time tends to really suck. I wouldn't say that I have any "friends" in the traditional sense of the word. I have acquaintances. People that I'm familiar with and will stop and talk to on the off chance that our eyes meet while out and about. No one that I see on a regular basis or anything, which I must admit, sucks.

Indeed it does suck, but what really sucks is the reasoning behind all this. For some reason or another, when I was slightly younger, while having friends and being somewhat "popular" (whatever the hell that word means), I could never ever bring myself to ask someone if they would like to do something with me. I think I know why.

I can't picture anyone wanting to spend time with me. I joke a lot about how I'm "the balls" and how sexy or good I look, when in all actuality I have extremely low self esteem. Which is why I think I don't date more. I look at myself in the mirror and go "Oh, well no one wants to fuck that, don't even kid yourself. You're disgusting. Your head is huge. You have teeny tiny man boobs... you're a fucking joke... a fat, nasty, sick joke that no one will ever want to be with"... and if you hear or tell yourself something for long enough, naturally you'll start to believe it. And you know... I work out now, I've never really been "fat" to begin with, I try and eat healthier and I've lost some weight and in the last few months I've started to tone out (I actually have pecs now... AND I can flex them and shit) but it just doesn't seem like it's enough to me. And the compliments keep coming too. And not the lame kind you get from like family members and shit... I mean the kind you get from the hot girl working the register at the grocery store, or the kind you get from your little sister's jail bait friends, but for some reason they never seem to resonate. Which is unfortunate becuase none of them mean anything unless you yourself belive them.

I got issues. Something tells me I'll spend many a dollars on many a hours of therapy when I get older trying to sort all this out. Sometimes I wonder if my whole life is going to be like this. I hope not, because this isn't fun for me by any means. Part of me wants to blame it all on this place. I think that if I can get out of here and go somewhere else, somewhere far away.... not like California either... I mean like some European country or some island in the South Pacific, that maybe shit will be better... but that's just the old "grass is always greener..." type of thinking I believe. Eh, who knows?

Ahhhh, self esteem.... ain't it a bitch?

"Mmmm.... said Fuck Summin Up.... Fuck Summin Up.... Fuck em up! Crip walk for a minute. Just crip walk wit em"....."Mmm.... MMMMMmmmm... Ya'll gettin a lesson up in here"

This blog gets a decent bit of traffic. Not a hell of a lot by any means, but a decent bit none the less. I have this kick ass hit counter which log's a visitor's I.P. address which also tells me their location. No need for anyone to worry though... it's not like I'm turning them all into the NSA or anything... nope, not turning anything into the NSA... not a thing.

Moving along, it's pretty cool. I find it neat that people from all over the world have stopped by my little section of what I like to call, the interweb.... it's catching on. I like logging in and seeing that someone from India stopped by, or New Zealand, or Germany, or Japan, hell even Indonesia. The list goes on. Now I don't know for a fact that they all could read it since it was written in English, but either way, they were there.

I get a few local visitors. I'm curious as to who these people are since they seem to frequently visit. I'm always up for meeting new people... unless they don't want me to meet them, in which case why would they stop by continuously if they weren't at least somewhat intrigued by me... or at least the things I have to say. What if they're some kind of weird creepy old guys or something who just want to see naked pictures of me doing things to myself.... because I totally would for the right price. Hell I'll try anything once if the price is right. HEY NOW!..... No? No Larry Sanders Show fans? Ehh, forget it.

Oprah read my blog a few months ago and she just had to meet me. This will air at the end of May sweeps. She's saving the best for last. Owww!

Back to the topic at hand. By the way if you visit this blog and you are in fact not a creepy old guy.... then my sincerest apologies go out to you and your families. But yes, I would be interested in meeting the local people that read this. Hell I know more about that English guy that reads this... and he's in friggin England.

So yeah, to you local people that read this, if you wanna hang out one day, shoot the shit about politics, life, fart jokes... pretty much whatever in a very public, non-secluded setting, lemme know. I'd like some feedback on this thing in general. I'd like to know what local people think of my nutty self. No fatties though, can't stress that enough.

Friday, May 12, 2006


OOOOwwww. I feel good. I... knew that I would. I said, I feel good. I, knew that I would. So good.... so good.... cause I got my shit finally working.

Yes, after many months and hundreds of dollars spent I finally have a PC that I am comfortable with. And it's about damn time. To think, everything that I've done has all been for one fucking video game. Albeit a very fun game, but a game none the less. Let's take a quick moment to recap the long road that got me here.

December 2005 - Purchased Battlefield 2 for myself for Christmas only to be horribly disappointed when it ran extremely choppy. $50

January 2006 - Spent over $500 on a 19 LCD Monitor, DVD-RW drive, and 1 gig of RAM, $40 for Special Forces Exp. Pack

February 2006 - In an attempt to further boost the playing experience, add another $70 spent for another gig of Ram.

April 2006 - Purchased an nVidia Geforce 6800 for $140 only to have it crap out after a few days. RMA'ed.

April 2006 - Purchased an nVidia Geforce 6600 GT for $140 only to have incompatibility issues with my motherboard.

May 2006 - $12 spent on a Logitech Wingman Joystick

May 2006 - Spent $170 on a new motherboard, processor, case, and power supply.


Total Spent - Over $1000 for ONE GODDAMN GAME! THAT'S INSANE!

Finally being able to smoothly blow people out of the skies in Battlefield 2 - PRICELESS!

And finally in less geekier news... My Hope Grant thingy went through, so that's another $500 for school. I have orientation in about a week and classes start at the end of the month I believe. Should be pretty neat.... that's right bitch! I said neat. Say something 'bout it... I dare ya's.

Monday, May 08, 2006

At least I still have my Jack-Sack.

I know life isn't fair. I know that. I'm not some moron who just figured that out today or something. But goddammit, sometimes you really really wish it was. It just seems like every time something good starts to happen, or something in my life shows some type of promise, as soon as something hits it's peak... every fucking time it's exactly the same. I don't see why I bother getting my hopes up anymore. They're completely smashed into the ground each and every fucking time. It's enough to make you throw your hands up in the air and just say "fuck it!". What the fuck is the point of even trying again when you KNOW you're fucked anyway before you ever start?

Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... What pisses me off is the most is the lengths that I go to for something just to always have whatever that may be denied as soon as it's within my grasp. It just makes you wanna fucking scream and punch someone in the face... because nothing makes you feel better than socking someone right in the mouth.... other than actually having shit go smoothly that is.

But for some reason... I always fucking try again. I don't know why I do, but I do. I know I'm just setting myself up to be disappointed yet again but for some reason I always hold onto that slim chance, that just maybe, just somehow something might actually go right for a change... because that would be damn nice. I've forgotten what that was I like. It'd be nice to remember.

But oh well, at least I get a new hour of Bauer Power tonight. I know I'm one mopey sack of shit when things get me down like this and I'm pretty sure a little bit of Bauer Power will snap me out of this little "funk". Becuase dammit... Jack Bauer is a patriot and Jack Bauer wouldn't give up. Jack Bauer would probably be really pissed for a while like I was... but then Jack Bauer would get up and go shoot someone and then Jack Bauer would feel better about himself. Shooting terrorists.... it's a self esteem booster no matter who you are. I on the other hand, can not just go out and shoot someone to make myself feel better... but I can watch Jack Bauer do it for me... so you know... I got that going for me at least.

Actually, I feel better just for having talked about Jack Bauer shooting someone. JACK BAUER... NOW MORE THAN EVER BEFORE!


Sunday, May 07, 2006

"Good Morning Angels."

"Good morning Jeremy"... is what my angels would say. Unfortunately I don't have any angels of my own... but I did manage to pick up some of Charlie's.

I went out yesterday afternoon for a while, riding around looking for a few good yard sales. My new passion is selling old shit on eBay so what better place to snatch up some old junk than some old lady's yard sale?

I had a few finds. This woman wanted $15 for the Charlie's Angels board game, I managed to get her down to $10. You gotta know how to haggle people. It's important in the yard sale world. I see that $10 as an investment. The game is in pretty good condition and even has all the pieces after 29 years. Someone took care of this game, they loved it.

Another kick ass find was a copy of the Six Million Dollar Man's Reading Adventure Comic Record... thingy. It's a comic book that came with a record that you could put on and listen to if you were too lazy to just read the comic. Now sadly I'm sans the record but on the other hand I only payed $1 for it so I can't really complain. I'm sure someone will still want to buy it. I mean shit, it's Colonel Steve fucking Austin, the Six Million FUCKING Dollar Man!

I think I'm gonna sit on these two little piece of pop culture for a while. They're both from 1977 so if I wait till next year they'll both be 30 years old, so I can see the value going up a bit. People dig round numbers.

So yeah... I picked that stuff up, came home. "Relaxed" for a while. Then I went outside with a good book and laid out. I'm one sexy tan man. Also, the book I'm reading, "the Osama Bin Laden I Know", very very good. A very insightful look at the most wanted man alive provided by those who knew him best. I gotta say... I'm not trying to defend him or anything.... but the man really has led one hell of a life. I can see and understand why so many people in the Arab Muslim world look up to him. Personally, when it boils down it, I really see a few similarities between he and George W. Bush. Sure, there are some ideological and moral differences, but essentially they're both doing the same thing. They both think that their gods put them here to do what they're doing. That they are doing "god's work" if you will. George W. Bush has said that "God" wanted him to be president. Bin Laden claims to be doing the work of "Allah" by taking up his Jihad. They both shared very privileged upbringings yet went about their lives very differently. Like I said, it's a helluva book. I recommend it to anyone who enjoys getting several different sides of a story. You just kinda have to look at it from a neutral point of view, because he is a murderer... but I don't want to get into that because it could be said you could say the same thing about Bush.

Saw Mission: Impossible 3. Coolest opening scene EVER! I gotta say... crazy as he may be in real life, on film Tom Cruise is still the man. He's just good at doing crazy shit and making it look insanely cool. I don't care what the dude starts spouting his mouth off at next as long he continues to make a kick ass flick now and then. I buy him as a kick ass slick spy and just a bad ass dude who knows how to use a gun. "Collateral" anyone?..... Yeah, I thought so.
Now part of it was J.J. Abrams, of LOST and Alias fame, as the director and co-writer. The dude knows his cool spy stuff. Very slick. Phillip Seymour Hoffman was the scary balls as the crazy villain. His character was one of the few on screen villains that when they make a threat you actually believe it. He said he was gonna kill Tom Cruise's lady and I believed him. Very convincing. The movie actually had a good bit of clever one liners. I actually laughed.. like out loud. All in all, it's a very good popcorn movie. Just sit down and enjoy shit being blown up and witty one liners.
So yeah... that was my Saturday for the most part... more shit happened but nothing worth telling any of you people. That's right I said it.... YOU people. The people that read this. All one of you.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

HOT DAMN! These are very exciting times we find ourselves in... well I find myself in. Things are happening. Wheels are in motion, gears are turning, and finally shit is starting to come together. Some ups and downs along the way but nothing too bad.

Today I had my meeting with this academic adviser at Macon State. She was very nice. Very polite as well. She was good people. She explained things very clearly and simply... perhaps too simply. Perhaps she assumed I was retarded or something. None the less, she was very helpful in helping getting me set up.

I'm taking my classes this summer out in Warner Robins, all in the evening... because let's face it.... I have no life. For my lucky 3 picks, I chose Math, Spanish, and this Spanish lab thing... which technically isn't a class but more of a requirement for the Spanish class. And I think we can all agree that if there was ever a time to learn Spanish in this country, it's now. Unfortunately I won't be getting any actual credits for either of those classes as they're some type of remedial thing or something. Which I don't mind because I really suck at math... very badly, and needless to say my Spanish is mucho bado.

After this summer however, specifically this fall, I'll be able to take regular classes and what not. I have to take a few required classes before I can start with Journalism but from what we discussed this afternoon, assuming I don't fail every class; I could be on my way to becoming a legitimate journalist by January. So... not bad. I'll take it.

Also, I finally was contacted back by Lauren Benedict, the candidate I spoke of previously who's running for the GA House of Reps. She seemed interested in what I had to say and asked if I wouldn't mind sending her a response telling her a little bit more about myself. I did and I like to think that I wrote a very intelligent and articulate summary of my views and interests. I can sell my ass when I have to. I know I swear like a sailor here but when it's something that's actually imporant I clean my shit up and I like to think I'm actually somewhat refined when need be. Here's hoping she needs a few speeches written. Nice little way to get my foot in the political arena. That would look damn nice on some type of application someday as well.

"Oh... I see you wrote speeches for a winning State Rep candidate... We could use a man like you."

Damn yeah they could!

And in a sad development, the recent video card I ordered and went through so much to get to work turns out to be a complete piece of shit after a few days. But that's just my luck, the bad kind. So I packed that shit up today, went to the post office, and sent that piece off to Illinois and ordered a better card. Should be here by Monday at the latest.... perhaps... or Tuesday. Monday or Tuesday... it's one of the two... I know that much

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


I did. I realized today that I can't really sit here and bitch about how bad I think things are in this country unless I actually take the effort to try and do something about it. So I did.

I called the headquarters of the Democratic party in Atlanta today looking for some information on what I could do to help get the vote out in my area. I'm gonna do what I can. I contacted a few local campaigns and offered my services in anyway that they may need them. Be it making calls on behalf of the party, sending out letters and fliers, or even basic door to door campaigning. I'm gonna try and do whatever I can to help ensure that the Democrats get at least 1 additional seat in the House this November. The congressman for our district is Jim Marshall and he's an incumbent; considering the fact that 98% of all incumbents are re-elected I don't really think he needs anymore help.

There is one local woman running for the Georgia House of Reps, her name escapes me at this time but this woman could use all the help she can get and I intend to do whatever may be asked of me to help ensure victory.

I thought for a while about making some type of run for City Council... or something lower than that. But that's just not gonna happen at this point. I couldn't win anything, let alone an election; but I'm not giving up hope just yet. This country needs some fresh blood in it's elected officials. Most of the ones we have today are just simply too old and too out of touch with society to truly make a difference. I'd still like to run for some office one day but right now I just don't think the people in my area would be for the idea of a 19 year old running some aspects of their fair city.

A youthful candidate could give the system the desperate kick in the ass that it needs. What better way to get rid of all the corrupt officials than electing a young, fresh face who knows that his country... or county... could do so much better.

America use to be a country that the entire world could turn to and say "hey.... those guys there.... they're not doing such a bad job. They seem like good people.... for the most part. A bit fat, but then again they do like their Big Macs."

These days if you turn on the news all you'll see is an American flag being burned by very large and very angry groups of people normally outside of a burning KFC.... or embassy..... then again the Colonel is Fried Chicken's ambassador to the world so I guess that would technically make a KFC an embassy..... or something.

I know I'm ending this shortly and abruptly but I need a drink.... but remember..... GET INVOLVED. Get the word out. We really can all make a difference. All it takes it one person to start it. The rest is up to you.


I gotta say it feels good too. June can't get here quick enough. I was really skeptical of Superman Returns for a long time. I'm not really into comics but I grew up watching Chris Reeve as Superman and it made me sooooo nervous that Warner Brothers was just going to shit all over my childhood with this new flick. But I gotta say, the more I see the more I like.

I like how they're paying homage to Reeve and those that have come before them. Chris Reeve IS, WAS, and Always will be Superman... but this new kid doesn't look half bad. A bit younger than I'd like but I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

With that being said, do yourself a friggin service and go watch the new trailer.


"I've made a terrible mistake".

That's what President Logan on 24 is going to be saying in a few weeks when he finally comes face to face with the force of nature that can only be described as... well, Bauer Power.

Jack Bauer : Great American... or Greatest American?

Yes it was another kick ass, action packed night on 24 last night as America's last line of defense, Jack Bauer stowed away aboard a small plane in order to get the dirt on that rat son of a bitch Logan. Nothing can stop that man. Nothing. I know that Air Marshall on the flight didn't... poor son of a bitch never saw it coming; then again when it comes to being attacked by Jack Bauer you never really see it coming.

AND HOW FRIGGIN HOT IS CHLOE? Hmmm? I tell ya... that broad is smokin. God, is there nothing quite as hot as a cute yet nerdy girl with a scrunched up face hovering over a computer feeding you the information you need to know to take down the corrupt President of the United States? No.... there isn't. And you just know she's gotta be into some kinky shit when you get her in your bed. It's always the quiet ones.

Monday, May 01, 2006

I've made a terrible mistake.

In an attempt to rid my computer of some bastard spy ware that back holed it's way into my system, I loaded up a Ghost Image file of my HD. In my rush to get this done I forgot to back up nearly everything I had on here... and now it's all gone.

My writings... GONE. Those pictures of me that make me look even more ruggedly handsome than I already am.... SEE YA. Those really neat fake photos of me with people like Oprah and a little someone named... Chuck Norris. You may have heard of him. Even that one of me in my Jack Bauer pose. But yeah, all those great pictures.... it's kinda sad. With the push of a button... and like that they were gone... like a fart in the wind. Or dust in the wind. Yeah... you can put pretty much anything in there as long as you have the "wind" behind it. It doesn't really matter. Make your own analogy.